School Uniform

We are proud of our school uniform; it is designed to be simple and practical and solves the daily problem of what to wear – it is not a fashion statement! More importantly, it gives a sense of belonging and pride. We are also extremely aware of the potential cost of uniforms to parents and families; with regards to this cost, non-branded uniforms from major retailers are definitely permitted. At points throughout the school year, we will also be having a ‘secondhand collection’ of uniform that doesn’t fit any more, in order to pass on to other children.
Uniform, including school sweatshirts/polo shirts and P.E. shirts bearing the school logo can be purchased online via Brigade.
Non-branded uniforms are acceptable and are available from major retail outlets.  Some second hand uniforms items may be available for sale. For further information, please contact the academy directly.
click here to go to the brigade website
click here to view the school uniform policy

All children are expected to wear full school uniform on non-PE days.

  • Grey or black trousers, shorts (tailored not casual or sports shorts) skirt or pinafore dress.
  • White shirt/polo shirt – which must be worn tucked in.
  • Red sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece.
  • White/grey/black socks.
  • Black shoes (no higher than the ankle bone). Trainers are not allowed. We recognise several retail outlets sell ‘trainer looking’ school shoes, as such we do not consider branded trainers or plimsolls to be formal school shoes).  Shoes must be ‘closed’ i.e. not peep-toes or sling backs.
  • Summer dress – red check.
  • Red, grey or black tights.
All children are expected to wear their P.E. kit on their P.E days.
  • Plain black shorts or black tracksuit with no large brand logos.
  • P.E. T-shirt in House colours:
    Leopards – Green
    Lions – Red
    Pumas – Blue
    Tigers – Yellow
  • Suitable sports trainers.
  • Jewellery such as watches and stud earrings must be removed and longer hair must be tied back. It is preferable that children do not wear watches and earrings to school on P.E days.
  • Our youngest pupils take part in outdoor activities on a daily basis.
  • Please can we ask that waterproof clothing and wellington boots are kept in school for all Reception children.
  • Please make sure all school uniforms are named. If it is not named, it is very difficult to reunite children with lost property!
  • The academy accepts no liability for personal property with regard to loss.
  • Lost Property is collected in black bins, which are located in the Link Corridor.
  • Children should not be wearing jewellery in school.
  • If children are wearing a watch, it remains the child’s responsibility throughout the day.
  • Jewellery must be removed or earrings covered with micropore tape (each child must bring their own supply) for P.E.
  • We have no means of storing items securely, therefore we strongly recommend that jewellery is left at home on P.E. days.
  • We are not allowed to remove or assist with replacing stud earrings.
  • We understand that young people enjoy dressing up, trying out different ‘looks’ and new effects, but this is not appropriate in school.
  • We ask that nail varnish, temporary tattoos, make-up, coloured hair and extreme hairstyles are reserved for weekends and holidays.
  • Hairbands should not be embellished with bows, glitter, flowers or other decorations.
  • An appropriate, waterproof and sealable bag should be purchased for the protection of all school items.
  • Designer handbags, large rucksacks and holdalls are not acceptable as they take up too much space and block corridors as they will not fit on coat pegs.
  • Our preferred style of bag for Reception and Year 1 is a book bag, so children are able to carry their books and letters to and from school.
  • Children in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 should bring a drawstring bag which will not take up too much space on their pegs.