Funding options:

We are able to allocate 15 hour and 30 hour spaces, children will be funded from the following times of the year:

However if your child turns 3 before they are funded, you can start at Roundash if we have availability at a cost of £18 per 3 hour session.

15 hours funding – All 3 to 4-year-old children in England can get 570 hours of free early education or childcare per year. This is usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.

30 Hours Funding – Each parent (or sole parent in a single family) will need to earn over £120 per week (or £112.80 if you are aged 21-24) and no more than £100k per annum from paid employment, which entitles a child to up to 30 hours’ free childcare per week.  This is usually taken as 30 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year.  This is applied for via the Government website and will need to be updated termly.

Tax-Free Childcare

Tax-Free Childcare is a new UK-wide government scheme to help working parents with the cost of childcare. We are registered with the Childcare Service, HMRC which means that parents of children under 4 years old are able to claim and set up an account online. For every £8 you pay into the account, the government will put in £2 (up to £2,000 per child or £4,000 for disabled children). This money can then be used to pay for registered childcare.

Please visit to sign up for Tax-Free Childcare.

You may need to quote our Unique Taxpayer Reference – 5717820527

A child born on or between:

  • 1st April-31st August will become eligible for a free place from the start of term 1-September, following their 3rd Birthday
  • 1st September-31st December will become eligible for a free place from the start of term 3-January,  following their 3rd Birthday
  • 1st January-31st March, will become eligible for a free place from the start of term 5-April, following their 3rd Birthday