What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. This funding is aimed at addressing the current underlying inequalities that exist between children from disadvantaged backgrounds and their more affluent peers.
This funding is allocated to schools on the basis of the number of pupils who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point over the last six years; children who have been “looked after” for more than six months, children who have left local authority care or children of service personnel.
The DFE has given us the freedom to use the Pupil Premium as we see fit, based on the knowledge of our pupils‟ needs.
School overview
School name
Leigh Academy Hartley
Number of pupils in school
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils
Proportion (%) of pupil premium pupils with SEN/AEN
Amount received per pupil
Total received
38 x 1300
nature of support
- high quality, inclusive teaching.
- precision teaching by the class teacher.
- pupils taught in groups with other pupils who are working at a similar level.
- focused support from skilled teaching assistants, both in class and in small groups.
- individual tuition, by an experienced teacher or teaching assistant.
- intervention strategy support from teaching assistants (for example: Early Literacy Support, Targeted Support for Teaching Inference in Reading, Peer Mentoring, Lego Therapy).
- carefully targeted resources known to raise attainment.
- personalised support including pastoral support for individual pupils and their families, to meet their needs.
- supporting parents to fund clubs and trips.
- Analysis of half termly / termly assessments and on-going formative assessment to identify gaps in knowledge / understanding. Soft assessments in reading and maths at the start of the term September 2020 to establish a baseline, following school closure.
- focused specialist TA support, outside the classroom either 1:1 or small group. Timetables reviewed termly following review of pupil progress.
- focused TA support within lessons to enhance QFT.
- SALTA support across the school to identify and support areas of need.
- Experienced Teacher to support Year 3-6 teachers with 1:1 / small group support, either in the classroom during English / Maths lessons or withdrawal from the classroom (Covid19 secure procedures in place)
- gaps in knowledge / understanding to enable rapid catch up following school closures in the last two academic years
- Deepening pupil’s knowledge and understanding where they are securely at age- related expectations and seeking to accelerate progress for identified pupils to achieve greater depth.
Timescale: Daily/weekly
Monitoring strategies: Pupils’ books, lesson observation, dialogue between teacher/support
Success criteria: Gaps identified in the September 2021 assessments are narrowed by the end of the academic year. Pupils are making at least expected progress if working at ARE or above.
Personnel: Principal, SLT, class teacher
Timescale: Completed at the end of each term (6x per year)
Monitoring strategies: Pupils’ books, Summative assessment, Data Analysis, Discussions with class teachers, Discussions with support staff
Personnel: principal, PP champion
Timescale: twice a year (Jan/July)
Success criteria: Pupils are making at least expected progress if working at ARE or above. Pupils are making accelerated progress in targeted areas if working below ARE. Pupil Premium provision is well lead, resourced effectively and best meeting the needs of learners
- Discussions between Principal, Class teacher, external agencies and parents in identifying the social and emotional needs of individual pupils and the most appropriate support.
- Purchase of external counsellor worker time
- The setting up of the well-being team to support the recovery , re-introduction and renewal project.
- Involvement of outside agencies
Timescale: Daily/weekly
Monitoring strategies: Support Plans and provision maps, Dialogue between teacher / support / external agencies / parents
Success criteria: Provision is effectively meeting individual pastoral needs.
Personnel: Principal, Class teacher, Support staff, External Agencies
Timescale: Determined by relevant adults
Monitoring strategies: Pupils’ books, Summative assessment, Error analysis, Data Analysis, Discussions with class teachers, Discussions with support staff
- Extra-curricular Clubs
- Additional lessons e.g. music, drama
- School Trips
- Residential trips
- Well-being activities as part of the recovery curriculum
Cost: £5600
Timescale: When required
Monitoring strategies: Dialogue between PP Leader, external agencies, outreach worker and parents
Success criteria: Provision is effectively meeting individual needs.
summary 2021-22
Projected spend
To provide personalised, targeted intervention for pupils, enhancing Quality First Teaching to enable every pupil deemed to be disadvantaged to make at least expected progress and be on track for achieving age-related expectations or above by the end of Year 6.
To provide personalised, targeted pastoral support for individual PP pupils to enable them to be happy, secure and fully engaged in school and supported (where appropriate) outside school.
To ensure all PP pupils have the opportunity to access learning opportunities beyond the classroom (ie. school trips and extra-curricular activities)