COVID Catch-Up Statement 2020-21


Catch-Up Funding: £35,912


Intended Outcomes

The overall intention of the action plan below is to ensure that all pupils feel safe, happy and are ready to learn each day despite uncertainty relating to COVID. Pupils will achieve the targets set in the APA around pupil outcomes and attendance because the targets in the action plan have been achieved.

Specific Outcomes

  1. ) To close gaps in learning, in particular reading as a result of the coronavirus epidemic, with a particular focus on those pupils who are most disadvantaged. Pupils to achieve expected outcomes in line with targets set in the APA.
  2. ) To provide an outstanding Quality of Education  which engages pupils and raises aspirations. Challenge partners to judge the Quality of Education as outstanding when monitoring visits are completed in the Spring.

Action Plan

At Leigh Academy Hartley we use a tiered approach to spending to balance approaches:

  1. ) Improving teaching
  2. ) Targeted academic support 
  3. ) Wider strategies



Improving Teaching
Implementation of a full digital strategy for teaching in Y6 purchasing and using Chrome books and blended learning. To give all pupils required skills to become successful digital citizens.

To ensure pupils are able to access and progress in the learning from anywhere, digitally.

Whole school

Some pupils are not ‘fluent’ in using online learning resources and platforms. 

£19,382 96%  pupils to be digitally literate.

96% of all pupils know how to keep themselves safe online.

96% of  parents engage with Google classroom  as a digital platform for communication.

Secure National online safety accreditation


Targeted Academic Support
Intervention  Action Target Pupils/Barriers to learning Cost Success Criteria (How funding overcomes barriers)
Booster Teacher To have a member of staff who can focus on accelerating learning and addressing key gaps in targeted interventions. Y6

Capacity within current staffing does not always give the opportunity to run these.

£1380 Year 6 pupils to achieve expected outcomes predicted in the APA.

77% of pupils in Year 6 achieve combined expected outcomes.

88% of pupils achieve expected outcomes in reading.

85% of pupils achieve expected outcomes in maths.

82% of pupils achieve expected outcomes in writing.

TA support in Year R To have a member of staff who can focus on accelerating learning and addressing key gaps in targeted interventions. Yr R TA 30 hours 


80% of children to achieve GLD at the end of the year, despite a considerably lower starting point. 
Intervention  Purpose Target Pupils and Barriers to learning Cost Success Criteria (How funding overcomes barriers)
Provision of individual equipment for each child in each class and screens for intervention activities. To prevent cross contamination All pupils, barriers could be contamination and subsequent absence from school due to COVID. £250 Positive cases of COVID transmitted through school are minimised.


Wider Strategies
Intervention  Action Target Pupils/Barriers to learning Cost Success Criteria (How funding overcomes barriers)
CPD for Teacher in Foundation Subjects To purchase a subscription to TT Education School Improvement Club. This will ensure all staff have a solid knowledge of all areas of the curriculum they teach. It will support the  development teachers’ knowledge and understanding of foundation subjects

and wider pedagogical issues.  This will allow for a breath of curriculum to be delivered confidently and consistently.  With good subject knowledge opportunities for writing and cross curricular learning can be further explored.

All pupils

Not all staff have the background knowledge needed.

£3000 All teachers will be confident to lead their subject area and ensure their teams access quality CPD and resources which will ensure consistently good/outstanding delivery of foundation subjects across the academy.